Holiday Hamper
Donation Drive
Ottawa Chapter
Help provide holiday meals for Ottawa-area families.
Supporting families in our community
Every $100 raised provides an Ottawa-area family with a holiday hamper. With your generous contributions, we've already exceeded our goal to support 350 Ottawa-area families.
Please continue to spread the word and donate! We're excited to see just how many families we can help in our community this holiday season.
Thank you!
The Caring and Sharing Exchange is a local charity that provides assistance to Ottawa families and individuals in need, during the Christmas season and the back-to-school season.
The Caring and Sharing Exchange is a Registered Charity (13097 9172 RR0001)
The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation (OHTF) is proud to process online donations in support of the Ottawa Chapter Holiday Hamper Donation Drive.
Your confirmation receipt will read Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation. At the end of the campaign, contributions will be remitted to The Caring and Sharing Exchange for the hamper program as part of the Ottawa Chapter donation drive. For more information please contact
Thank you!
Thank you to this year’s donors for helping us reach this year’s goal!
Marc Carrière: : C$700
Welwyn Wong: C$100
Virtual Reality Golf Charity by Cityscape: $1,175
Ottawa Chapter of Landscape Ontario: $21,600
Chantal Garbutt: $25
Mostafa Fallah: $300
Jason Osborne: $100
David Humber - $100
John Harkins - $50
Pierre Rozon - $25
Patrick Thompson - $100
Nidal Naufal : $25
Ian Rowbotham: $200
Peter Knippel: $500
Joan Johnston: $500
Marc Carrière: : C$700 • Welwyn Wong: C$100 • Virtual Reality Golf Charity by Cityscape: $1,175 • Ottawa Chapter of Landscape Ontario: $21,600 • Chantal Garbutt: $25 • Mostafa Fallah: $300 • Jason Osborne: $100 • David Humber - $100 • John Harkins - $50 • Pierre Rozon - $25 • Patrick Thompson - $100 • Nidal Naufal : $25 • Ian Rowbotham: $200 • Peter Knippel: $500 • Joan Johnston: $500 •
Get the latest updates on Instagram:
WATCH: Ottawa Chapter member, Marc Carriere of Permacon, talks about gathering donations for families in need.
Follow Landscape Ontario’s Ottawa Chapter and The Caring and Sharing Exchange to see the impact of this year’s hamper program.